Frequently Asked Questions
1. Who can enroll to DBP2?
The following institutions can enroll their DBP Current and/or Savings Accounts:
ü Sole Proprietorships
ü Partnerships
ü Cooperatives
ü Corporations
ü Local Government Units
ü National Government Agencies
ü Other Financial Institutions
Note: Individual Accounts are not eligible to enroll in DBP2
2. How to enroll to DBP
Digital Banking Portal (DBP2)?
Please contact your account officer or servicing DBP Branch for the forms and requirements. You may reach them through our trunk line (02) 818-9511 or through our branch direct line.
3. After I complete the
documentary requirements, what will be the next step?
Your designated users in the enrollment form will receive an e-mail containing the following:
v Temporary User ID
v Temporary Password
v Corporate Code designated by the institution
Users may activate their account online by going to and put a tick at the “Check this box if you are a first time user.”
After entering their corporate code, temporary User ID and temporary password, the system will ask for their new User ID, Password, and their second password (8-characters in order).
4. How to Login in DBP2?
Go to
Enter your corporate code, User ID and Password.
Enter the specified character in your secondary password (Ordered 8-character password)