BOB Security Features




1.     Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Encryption


An industry standard encryption of the link between a web server and a browser which ensures all data passing between web server and browsers remain private and integral


A “secure” lock icon in the URL section assures the users that the website is legitimate and can be used to detect phishing websites


2.     Symantec Authenticated Web Security


DBP2 website passed through a strict verification process of leading Certificate Authority SYMANTEC and is certified with a Norton Secured Seal found in the website


3.     Maker-Checker-Approver Transaction Flow


Transactions made in DBP2 follow an approval process before implementation depending on the setup enrolled by the institution as illustrated below:


No Workflow (must sign a waiver of approval process)

Maker -> # Authorizer

Maker -> # Verifier -> # Authorizer

Maker -> # Verifier -> # Authorizer -> # Releaser



# indicates that an approving level can be setup to have multiple approvals before proceeding to the next approving level


4.     Transaction Matrix


An institution can put a limit or range of the amount that a certain user can create/approve.


For example:

Maker A can only view and create transactions not greater than PHP 500,000.00


Maker B can only view and create transactions ranging from PHP 100,000.00 to PHP1,000,000.00


Authorizer can view and approve transactions with amounts less than PHP 800,000.00




5.     DBP System Security Firewall


The website has a banking-industry standard firewall preventing hackers getting sensitive information of user and any transactions done within DBP2